May 30, 2004

Get your hands dirty and stop hotlinking with .htaccess files

Stop Hotlinking with htaccess! Test your Image Hotlink Protection with our Hotlink Checker

Wanna stop hotlinking? Someone being a pain? Ban their address using this handy tutorial!

May 21, 2004

CSS Tutorials

Onion Skinned Drop Shadows: A List Apart

Editor’s Note: The techniques demonstrated in this tutorial are not for everyone. The design method works its magic by nesting divs that have no semantic or structural value. If that bothers you (and there are good reasons why it might), this is not the tutorial for you.

On the other hand, if you wish to create visual effects that expand and contract to fit any object, require no image manipulation, and render the same across all browsers, then “Onion Skinned Drop Shadows” may be just what you’ve been looking for.

May 19, 2004

Gibson Research Corporation

Gibson Research Corporation

If you are running Windows, you need to come here for some great free utilities which disable security threats in Windows OS ... plug 'n' pray, messenger (those annoying pop-up windows that appear from nowhere) and lots of other useful utilities.

Windows Start-Up Repository

Windows Startup Online Repository

Do you need to know what the processes are in Windows? This site has a huge database of programs, listed by filename and searchable too. What more could you want?

Favicons - custom icons for your website!

What is a favicon?
A Favicon is a multi-resolution image included on nearly all professional developed sites. The Favicon allows the webmaster to further promote their site, and to create a more customized appearance within a visitor’s browser. Often, the Favicon reflects the look and feel of the web site or the organization’s logo.

All things favicon ...
More ...

May 16, 2004

Security Focus

Keep up with the latest in computer security issues and news

Cookie Central

Cookie Central

All things relating to the cookie ... scripts, news, ...

Learn about the Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act

Submerged Ideas: Litigation

Learn about the Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act and read it in it's entirety
Read the results from many litigation proceedings, including those from the WIPO.

Get the latest information about domain name hoarding.
Get the latest information on cybersquatting.

More ...

Apache 1.3 URL Rewriting Guide

Apache 1.3 URL Rewriting Guide
Top Reference material!

The Apache module mod_rewrite is a killer one, i.e. it is a really sophisticated module which provides a powerful way to do URL manipulations. With it you can nearly do all types of URL manipulations you ever dreamed about.

The price you have to pay is to accept complexity, because mod_rewrite's major drawback is that it is not easy to understand and use for the beginner. And even Apache experts sometimes discover new aspects where mod_rewrite can help.

In other words: With mod_rewrite you either shoot yourself in the foot the first time and never use it again or love it for the rest of your life because of its power. This paper tries to give you a few initial success events to avoid the first case by presenting already invented solutions to you.

More ...

May 15, 2004

Colour Schemes

Colour Schemes

MezzoBlue - A designer’s ‘style’ is made up of a number of different factors, though colour plays a large role. Everyone has their own method of coming up with a good colour scheme, which will inevitably affect the results.

For inspiration or education, read ...

May 12, 2004

The Spamhaus Project

The Spamhaus Project

Spamhaus tracks the Internet's Spammers, Spam Gangs and Spam Services, provides dependable realtime anti-spam protection for Internet networks, and works with Law Enforcement to identify and pursue spammers worldwide.

May 10, 2004

Color Matters

Welcome to Color Matters

All things color!

Making your Websites More Compelling

Web Developer Information - Making your Websites More Compelling

The Internet is a remarkable publishing medium. With just a little effort, you can make your web pages visually irresistible by playing with color, shapes and text.

Whether your websites are already launched or you're ready to create your first few, use the 3 simple steps below to kick things up a notch and make your sites professional and appealing ...

Stupid Web Tricks

Stupid Web Tricks -

Scripts for various gizmos such as scrolling text, menus, and a whole lot more besides

Anchor Text Tips That Rocket Your Rankings

Anchor Text Tips That Rocket Your Rankings

Google/Yahoo bombing is the practice of placing terms you want a given page to rank for in anchor text that links to that page. Huh? Ok, here's an example ...

May 07, 2004

HTML Guides and Tutorials

HTML Guides : HTML Tutorials : HTML Help - Web Developers Network

Guides and help with HTML

Click Fraud: Is It Happening to You?

Click Fraud: Is It Happening to You?

Navigating the pay-per-click search engines can be truly exciting from a business owner's standpoint. No other form of advertising rivals the interactivity of being able to turn your web site's advertisement on and off like a light switch.
Bam! You're number one in Yahoo - what could be easier.

What new advertisers don't know ...

Spyware and Deceptive Software

Spyware and Deceptive Software

Spyware and other deceptive software conduct certain activities on your computer without notifying you and getting your permission first.

These activities may include displaying pop-up advertisements, changing Web browser settings, and collecting personal information. Some of these programs are annoying but harmless while others may slow your computer's performance or violate your privacy.

May 06, 2004

Conversion & Calculation Center

Conversion & Calculation Center: Measurements, Currencies, World Time, Calculators & Reference Info

Does exactly what it says on the tin ...

Acronym Finder

Acronym Finder: Find out what over 346,000 acronyms & abbreviations stand for

Wanna know what acronyms actually mean? ASAP? The answer is in here somewhere!

Got a tech related question? Get the Answer

Got a PC, tech, hardware, software, telecom or internet related question? The answer is here. So too, are the answers to questions you didn't even know you wanted to ask!

Encyclopedia of Western signs and ideograms -- encyclopedia of Western signs and ideograms -- the world's largest online encyclopedia of graphic symbols! contains more than 2,500 Western signs, arranged into 54 groups according to their graphic characteristics. In 1,600 articles their histories, uses, and meanings are thoroughly discussed.

The signs range from ideograms carved in mammoth teeth by Cro-Magnon men, to hobo signs and subway graffiti.

NetLingo: The Internet Dictionary

NetLingo: The Internet Dictionary

NetLingo is an online dictionary about the Internet. It contains thousands of words and definitions that describe the technology and community of the World Wide Web. To start using NetLingo, click on a term to the left or scroll down to view more words.

Planet Source Code

Planet Source Code

visual basic, vb, active server pages (ASP),java, javscript,c, c , c__ , vbscript,active server pages, ASP, vbscript,SQL, database, informix, oracle, SQL Server,Perl, CGI,Delphi, PHP,,,

The largest public source code database on the Internet with 9,063,705 lines of code, articles and tutorials in 11 languages,as well as 1,630 open job postings

Free Domain Name Appraisals | Free Domain Name Appraisals

If you are considering selling or buying a domain name, you need a domain appraisal.

Without it, you may be losing thousands of dollars!

Join over 90,000 others who discovered what their names were worth using our Free Domain Appraisal Service.

Stop guessing what your domain name is worth!

Domain Name News and Information

Internet Goldrush : Domain Name News and Information

Heaps and heaps of useful info on domain names and the domain name industry. Articles, how-to's, insider scoops, .........

Domain Name Resource

Domain Name Resource, with Domain News, Articles and Discussion, Advice and anything else domain name related

Domain Name Journal

Domain Name Journal - The Industry News Magazine

Latest News and the inside scoops on Domain Names

Microsoft Typography

Microsoft Typography - Fonts and products

Fonts and other products

CSS style guide

Code Style: CSS style guide section

The arcane detail of CSS implementation in Web browsers is a big deterrent to stylesheet beginners, and it doesn't get much easier for experienced authors.

The Code Style style guide section aims to make the learning process a little easier by illuminating specific areas of CSS in detail.

Windows font survey results

Code Style: Windows font survey results

How sure can you be that the font you specify will be present on the end user's machine?

The results below are the latest periodic snapshot of the Code Style Windows font survey and should give you greater confidence in selecting a font. Use the article feedback form below if you want to be alerted to future updates...

May 05, 2004

Trojan & Worm Ports Information Center Trojan & Worm Ports Information Center

Trojan and Remote Access Service Ports listings. Showing which ports are used by various malwares.

Trojan TCP/IP Ports
Massive resource list of security / ports / related sites / antivirus / firewalls / spyware / trojan hunters / adaware / pest patrol / ...

TCP/IP Ports
Any Port in a Datastorm

It seems like every day there is a new Internet service that uses some new set of poorly-documented, unregistered ports. I created this page to gather together all the information I could find about the ports used by these new services, for use by firewall administrators and other network monitors.

HACKERWHACKER Remote Computer Network Security Scan


Port Knowledgebase

List of frequently seen TCP and UDP ports and what they mean. The goal of this port table is to point to further resources for more information.

May 02, 2004

WebDevTips - Web usability: The basics
Excellent usablity info

May 01, 2004

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer V1.2